Friday 28 June 2013

say good bye to bad breath with simple six steps

Bad breath is a common problem faced by most of us in our daily life. It is not a disease but affects our life social and personal life in many ways. But it is not too difficult to solve it and by maintaining proper oral hygiene and with little care we can kill the factors what causes bad breath and can get rid of it easily.

1. Brush your teeth twice a day :

  • Oral hygiene is the key to get rid of bad breath. You should brush and floss at least twice a day and gargle after every meal if possible to clean and remove the food particles clogged in your teeth, tongue and corners which cause odor causing bacteria in your mouth.

2. Drink plenty of water :

  • Drink plenty of water every day and make it habit. It keeps you hydrated and prevents dryness in mouth which further helps to fight the harmful bacteria and to get rid of bad breath. It also helps to clear clogged food particles from your mouth.

3. Chew cardamom (Ilachi) to get rid of bad breath quickly :

  • Cardamom seeds are very effective mouth freshener and it can eliminate the hard smell of alcohol and smoke also. It also helps to produce more saliva in your mouth to fight with bacteria.

4.Clove is also very effective for bad breath :

  • Chewing clove seeds not only fight bacteria but also treat most of the oral disease like Gum Cavities, Gum Bleeding and give instant relief from tooth ache.

5.Gargle every day with warm salt water :

  • Salt water is a natural home remedy to get rid of bad breath. Just add a spoon of salt in a glass of water and boil it and gargle with it for two to three minutes. It helps to kill bacteria and treat infection and gum cavities. It also treats throat infection. 

6. visit a Doctor :

Do visit your doctor for better advice and also make it habit to visit your dentist every six month.

Note:Don’t use excessive sweetened mint as breath freshener. Mint eliminates your bad breath for a while but make your mouth dry afterward which can help developing of bacteria and sugar in sweetened mint is harmful for teeth.

beautiful crack free heels is yours !!!! just follow these 10 simple Home Remedies

Cracked heels are a very common problem and can happen to anyone. It basically means the visible cracks present on the heels.If proper precautions are not taken on time, it can even lead to bleeding and pain. Some of the reasons behind cracked heels are dry winds, lack of moisture, improper care of feet, unhealthy diet and wearing wrong types of shoes and so on. 

Instead of visiting a doctor, you can try some cracked heel remedies that you can do right in the comfort of your own home.

Here are top 10 remedies for Cracked Heels.

1.Scrub your feet 
First scrub your feet with a pumice stone that removes all dead skin & dust particles . Wash your feet properly after scrubbing. 

2.vegetable oil
Apply vegetable oil on the heels and soles liberally.You can use olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil or any other hydrogenated vegetable oil to treat cracked heels. 

After that wear a pair of clean socks and then go to bed so that there is ample of time for the oil to penetrate on the skin properly.

In the morning you will notice much softer heels.Repeat this remedy for a few days until your cracked heels are healed properly.

3. Banana 

You can also cure cracked heels at home with ripe bananas. 

Take one ripe banana and mash it to make a smooth paste. First clean your feet properly and then apply this banana paste on your feet and allow it to sit for ten to fifteen minutes so that the dry skin of your feet can get the much required nourishment. Finally wash your feet nicely with some warm water and then soak your feet in cold water for some time. 

4. Lemon
The acidic property of a lemon can be of great use inbut you need to be sure the juice of the lemon is getting touch with the rough skin. 

Alternatively, you can soak your feet for ten to fifteen minutes in a bucket of warm water with lemon juice added to it. Avoid using very hot water as it can take away the moisture from your feet. Finally wash your feet using pumice stone and soap and pat your feet dry with a towel.

5. Rosewater and Glycerin
Glycerin and rose water is another way to treat cracked heels at home. Especially when you are going out you need to take special care of your feet. 

Take glycerin and rose water in equal amount and mix it properly. Before stepping out of your home, rub the mixture on your feet until the skin has absorbed it properly. This will keep your skin remain soft for long hours and the condition of the cracks under control. 

6.Petroleum Jelly

To avoid cracked heels, you must scrub the dead hard skin around your feet regularly and then apply petroleum jelly  &  cover your feet with socks so that petroleum jelly can get soaked into the skin properly. This will prevent your heels from getting cracks and make it soft and well moisturized. Try to follow this cracked heel remedy daily before going to bed.

Honey can also be used to treat cracked heels as it has got both moisturizing as well as antibacterial properties. Honey can take care of both dry as well as cracked heels. 

For softer heels, mix one cup of honey to half a bucket of warm water. Now soak your feet in this water for fifteen to twenty minutes. Finally scrub your feet gently to enjoy soft and supple feet. With this natural cure, there will be no dryness also.

8.Warm Salt Water
In case of cracked heels you need to make extra effort to keep the heel cleaned and well moisturized. Pamper your feet by soaking it in warm salty water for at least ten to fifteen minutes. 

Then put your feet in cold water so that the blood circulation in your feet gets better. It will also help in getting relief from the pain caused by cracked heels. Pat dry your feet and apply some foot cream or petroleum jelly to maintain the moisture. Also it is recommended to wear a pair of socks immediately.

9.Rice Flour
To exfoliate your feet you can make a natural scrub with honey, apple cider vinegar, and rice flour. To make the scrub take two to three tablespoon of ground rice, and then add a few spoons of honey and apple cider vinegar to make a thick paste. 

If the condition of the cracks on your heels is extremely bad, add a spoon of olive oil or sweet almond oil. First soak your feet in warm water for ten minutes and then gently scrub it with this paste to remove the dead skin around your feet. Soon you will have soft heels minus the cracks.

Neem can also be used to treat cracked heels. It contains fungicidal properties and this is why it is very effective in treating cracked heels.

Take a handful of Neem leaves and crush it properly to make a fine paste and then add three teaspoon of turmeric powder. Mix it well and then apply it on the cracks and leave it as it is for half an hour. Finally wash your feet with warm water and dry it out with a clean cloth. With this natural cure, there will never be the problem of cracked heels again.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Wrinkles on Face Naturally

Deep wrinkles can be annoying to many men and women, and can be annoying trying to find the right remedy. Here are some natural ways to diminish fine lines and deep wrinkles.

Here are some external applications on face to get rid of your wrinkles :

1. Honey
Honey was believed capable of removing wrinkles. It is very easy, wash your face first with warm water and rub a little honey to your face and leave on for 20-30 minutes later rinse your face with warm water again and refresh with ice cubes, make sure to wash all the parts in rubbing honey.

2. Olive Oil and Lemon
Olive oil can help provide moisture to the skin. Rich in vitamin C, D, and E, antioxidants and iron are useful to regenerate the skin. While lemon makes skin brighter and radiant. Take 2 spoons of olive oil & add 1 spoon of lemon juice to it ,mix it well & apply it on the affected area . Leave it for 20-30 minutes & wash it off with water. olive oil and lemon can help reduce wrinkles on the skin. 

3. Milk Powder
Nutritious milk powder can restore skin moisture. Mix 4 tablespoons of milk powder, 2 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons warm water mix well, then apply to face evenly avoiding around the eyes and mouth, cover your face with a small towel that has been wet with warm water let stand until 10 minutes, clean the rest of the mask on the face with a small towel, then dry face.

4. Banana
Bananas are the most effective natural ingredients and easy to make anti-wrinkle face cream. Mash one or two bananas until crushed and soft like cream, apply throughout the surface of the face leave on for about 30 minutes then wash with warm water, pat your skin should never rubbed until dry.

5. Cucumber
Cucumbers can cleanse the face. Make a smooth paste of cucumber, apply this paste on a clean face, cucumber can soften and refresh the skin, remove wrinkles.

6. Coconut oil
Virgin coconut oil can lift dry skin that cause wrinkles, just by applying a warm coconut oil to all parts of the face, do this activity anytime you need to keep your facial skin firmness.

7. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are a great fruit to nourish the skin, can be cut into pieces and squeezed, added a tablespoon of honey and mixed evenly, applied to the face, effective to remove wrinkles.

8. Watermelon skin
Watermelon skin after washed, used to rub the face, then washed your face with clean water, it can refresh and smooth the skin.

9. Pineapple
Pineapple is a fruit that contains a lot of vitamin C but it is also very effective to remove wrinkles on the face. Apply the pineapple flesh on the face, such as around the eyes and mouth, and others. Let it dry for 20 minutes then rinse with warm or cold water.

10. Rose water
Rose water is a Natural skin moisturizer, dip cotton balls in the rose water & massage it gently on the affected area . 

Mean while , you must need to follow some more things , to let yourself out from wrinkles :

1. Healthy life style
Healthy living is highly recommended for everyone. Try to get used to living a healthy life so that your wrinkles can be minimized and eliminated. A balanced diet is the key to make your skin look healthy and fresh. Vitamin A, C, E and K, also helps make skin glow.

2. Stop smoking
It's been proven that smoking is hazardous to health for both active smokers and passive smokers. Do not miss apparently wrinkles can also be caused by smoking activity. Avoid environments that are susceptible to smoke a cigarette.

3. Getting enough sleep but try to sleep on your backs
Quality sleep is when the evening. But if you sleep on side, it will cause wrinkles in the cheeks and chin. Traces wrinkles may not disappear, and will eventually make the impression of permanent wrinkles on the face.

4. Expand eat fish, especially salmon 
Consumption of fish that contain high protein and omega-3 will help to nourish the skin and keep it supple and youthful, and of course, help reduce wrinkles.

5. Expand eat soybeans
Research so far has shown that soy helps protect or hinder dangers of the sun. Supplements are made ​​from soy beans can also improve skin structure and strength after usage for six months.

6. Expand eat fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that reduce the effects of free radicals, making the skin look fresh and radiant, and protects against some effects of sunlight.

7. Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA)
Fruits like Grapes , Straw berries & lemon contains Alpha-hydroxy acids.These natural substances will elevate the surface of dead skin cells, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, particularly in the eye area, and helps stimulate the production of collagen.So, consume these fruits.

8. Vitamin C
Consumption of vitamin C can increase collagen production, protect from dangers of UVA and UVB rays, to overcome the problem of pigmentation, and improve the condition of damaged skin.

9 .Do not wash your face too often
According to the dermatologist, wash your face too often will remove the natural moisture and oils that protect the skin from wrinkling.

10. Avoid stress
Stress is very harmful, and of course can lead to the emergence of wrinkles. Avoid stress wrinkles on your face that does not appear or can be eliminated.

The last thing that you need is some facial excersizes .... Have a glance ......


Friday 21 June 2013

worrying about gray hair ? ...... here is the solution !

Looks play an important role in making impression on others… Along with face and figure, Hair is also a crucial part of our physical look and can play a key role in preserving our self-confidence. But there are many people around us, in whom the significant strands of white hair start to grow earlier then the time. So try to get out of this problem with some ingredients found in your household pantry, which can go a long way to reverse the white hair and endorse your natural hair color.

Natural home remedies which can help you to make your white hair black again ......

1.Chop Ridge Gourd (Beerakaya in telugu) and let them desiccate totally. Then add as much coconut oil that the chopped Ridge Gourd dunks in it, and do this up to four days. After that, boil the mixture, cool it, filter it and fill in a bottle. Do a daily massage with this oil and your white hairs will turn into black.


2.Eating the sesame (nuvvulu in telugu) or massaging the sesame oil(nuvvula noone) in hair will prove advantageous, if you have white hairs or if your hairs are fallen.

3. Make a paste by mixing the lemon juice with crushed dry Amla (usirikai in telugu) and apply on white hairs. It will aid to make your white hair black.

4.Soak fenugreek seeds(menthulu in telugu) in water overnight. Consume these seeds and drink the marinated water on empty stomach in the morning for about 4-6 months. You will see the difference.

5. Consume ghee, as well as, massage ghee in the roots of hair. It will definitely prove beneficial for your white hairs.

6. Daily consumption of carrot juice is very beneficial for the healthiness of hairs, and it also prevents the hair from going white.

7. Drinking the juice made from the wheat sprouts also prevents whitening of the hairs

8. Stay away from stress & tensions. Since they have a significant role in developing Pre-mature gray hair . 

Keep on implementing these tips & the only thing that you all need is ...... "Patience ". 

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