Friday 28 June 2013

beautiful crack free heels is yours !!!! just follow these 10 simple Home Remedies

Cracked heels are a very common problem and can happen to anyone. It basically means the visible cracks present on the heels.If proper precautions are not taken on time, it can even lead to bleeding and pain. Some of the reasons behind cracked heels are dry winds, lack of moisture, improper care of feet, unhealthy diet and wearing wrong types of shoes and so on. 

Instead of visiting a doctor, you can try some cracked heel remedies that you can do right in the comfort of your own home.

Here are top 10 remedies for Cracked Heels.

1.Scrub your feet 
First scrub your feet with a pumice stone that removes all dead skin & dust particles . Wash your feet properly after scrubbing. 

2.vegetable oil
Apply vegetable oil on the heels and soles liberally.You can use olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil or any other hydrogenated vegetable oil to treat cracked heels. 

After that wear a pair of clean socks and then go to bed so that there is ample of time for the oil to penetrate on the skin properly.

In the morning you will notice much softer heels.Repeat this remedy for a few days until your cracked heels are healed properly.

3. Banana 

You can also cure cracked heels at home with ripe bananas. 

Take one ripe banana and mash it to make a smooth paste. First clean your feet properly and then apply this banana paste on your feet and allow it to sit for ten to fifteen minutes so that the dry skin of your feet can get the much required nourishment. Finally wash your feet nicely with some warm water and then soak your feet in cold water for some time. 

4. Lemon
The acidic property of a lemon can be of great use inbut you need to be sure the juice of the lemon is getting touch with the rough skin. 

Alternatively, you can soak your feet for ten to fifteen minutes in a bucket of warm water with lemon juice added to it. Avoid using very hot water as it can take away the moisture from your feet. Finally wash your feet using pumice stone and soap and pat your feet dry with a towel.

5. Rosewater and Glycerin
Glycerin and rose water is another way to treat cracked heels at home. Especially when you are going out you need to take special care of your feet. 

Take glycerin and rose water in equal amount and mix it properly. Before stepping out of your home, rub the mixture on your feet until the skin has absorbed it properly. This will keep your skin remain soft for long hours and the condition of the cracks under control. 

6.Petroleum Jelly

To avoid cracked heels, you must scrub the dead hard skin around your feet regularly and then apply petroleum jelly  &  cover your feet with socks so that petroleum jelly can get soaked into the skin properly. This will prevent your heels from getting cracks and make it soft and well moisturized. Try to follow this cracked heel remedy daily before going to bed.

Honey can also be used to treat cracked heels as it has got both moisturizing as well as antibacterial properties. Honey can take care of both dry as well as cracked heels. 

For softer heels, mix one cup of honey to half a bucket of warm water. Now soak your feet in this water for fifteen to twenty minutes. Finally scrub your feet gently to enjoy soft and supple feet. With this natural cure, there will be no dryness also.

8.Warm Salt Water
In case of cracked heels you need to make extra effort to keep the heel cleaned and well moisturized. Pamper your feet by soaking it in warm salty water for at least ten to fifteen minutes. 

Then put your feet in cold water so that the blood circulation in your feet gets better. It will also help in getting relief from the pain caused by cracked heels. Pat dry your feet and apply some foot cream or petroleum jelly to maintain the moisture. Also it is recommended to wear a pair of socks immediately.

9.Rice Flour
To exfoliate your feet you can make a natural scrub with honey, apple cider vinegar, and rice flour. To make the scrub take two to three tablespoon of ground rice, and then add a few spoons of honey and apple cider vinegar to make a thick paste. 

If the condition of the cracks on your heels is extremely bad, add a spoon of olive oil or sweet almond oil. First soak your feet in warm water for ten minutes and then gently scrub it with this paste to remove the dead skin around your feet. Soon you will have soft heels minus the cracks.

Neem can also be used to treat cracked heels. It contains fungicidal properties and this is why it is very effective in treating cracked heels.

Take a handful of Neem leaves and crush it properly to make a fine paste and then add three teaspoon of turmeric powder. Mix it well and then apply it on the cracks and leave it as it is for half an hour. Finally wash your feet with warm water and dry it out with a clean cloth. With this natural cure, there will never be the problem of cracked heels again.

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