Sneezing works as a protective mechanism and helps expel allergens and irritants out of the body. It is mostly caused by allergies. Animal dander, smoke, mold, dust, wood dust, pollen and other such irritants are the most common causes of this problem. Cold weather, variation in humidity and temperature, rain water, strong smells, food allergies, certain drugs and other such factors can also cause sneezing.
Continuous sneezing can make you feel fatigued all the time. The only thing you want at that point of time is instant relief from the problem. To get relief from sneezing there are many simple and easy home remedies that you can try at home.
Take four to five garlic cloves and then crush it make a fine paste and then inhale its strong fragrance. This will help to clear up the nasal passage that causes sneezing and help you to breathe with ease. At the same time try to include eat garlic by adding it in your soups and salads.
2.Chamomile Tea
As chamomile tea has excellent antihistamine properties it can give instant relief from allergy and sneezing. Boil a cup of water, add one teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers to it and boil the tea for a few more minutes. Now put some honey to the cup of water to improve its flavor and then drink the tea. It should be taken two times in a day to get rid of the sneezing completely.
3.Peppermint Oil
cover you head with a towel and try to breathe in steam coming from boiling water where drops of peppermint oil that have antibacterial properties are added. When you inhale the steam, it will clear up the nasal passage and soon you will get relief from persistent sneezing.
When suffering from sneezing try to consume 1 to 2 teaspoons of ginger extract twice a day, until the diseases not cured completely. Another option is to take a small piece of ginger root and then cut it into thin slices which you need to put in a cup of water and boil it for some time. Add a little honey for taste and drink this tea before going to bed. This will prevent sneezing at night.
5.Fennel Tea
Boil a cup of water, add two teaspoons of crushed fennel seeds (sompu in telugu) into it and cover up the pot. Soak the seeds for 10-15 minutes and then strain out this liquid. Drink two cups of this tea daily to reduce frequency of sneezing. While preparing fennel tea, never boil the water after adding the seeds to it. This will destroy the natural oils of fennel.
6.Black Pepper
Sneezing and running nose can be treated by eating pepper. Take half a tablespoon of pepper powder with lukewarm water two to three times a day. This will give you relief from runny nose and sneezing. Gargling with warm water with pepper added to it also help to get rid of cold virus and germs. Taking soups and salads mixed with black pepper is one of the simplest natural cures for sneezing because it keeps the respiratory system clear.
7.Vitamin C
Antioxidant properties in vitamin C control the histamine produced by the body and thereby reduce sneezing.When suffering from a common cold, drinking a glass of lemonade or orange juice can give you a good dose of vitamin C. this would help treat the runny nose and sneezing symptoms.
8.Oil of Oregano
Oil of oregano (vaamu in telugu) has antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory properties vital in fighting sinusitis. The natural oil extracted from wild oregano plants has two key ingredients that are essential in strengthening the immune system: carvacrol and thymol. To relieve sneezing and sinus congestion, mix two to three drops of oil with juice and drink it daily until the symptoms subside.
9. Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds (menthulu in telugu) also serve to cure sneezing problem up to some extent. You need to boil water with the content of Fenugreek seeds, with 2 to 3 teaspoons. Wait until the content mixes by half. Drain the mixture, and take in small sips. Take this mixture 2-3 times a day until the disease is not cured completely. This is one of the best home remedies for sneezing.
10. Gourd Leaves
Soak some about 5-6 bitter gourd (sorakaya in telugu) leaves in water for some time. Next, squeeze them and add a little bit of warm water to get the juice. Finally, consume it on a regular basis to get rid of sneezing induced by colds and seasonal allergies. When following this therapy, you can also add some honey in the juice.