Saturday 17 August 2013

10 tips to get relief from back pain

Backpain or backache is a common problem among a lot of people, not just the elderly and middle-aged people but also young people who work for long hours coupled with their busy lifestyle. 

The various causes for backache include poor posture, lack of exercise, too much stress, muscular tension, etc. Here are some home remedies to help you deal with this problem:

1. Reduce your excess weight:

If you are overweight, the first thing you should do is lose excess weight because then your back won't have to bear extra pressure.

2.Use cold and hot compress:

Getting a cold compress on your injury within 24 hours of injuring your back will help you avoid inflammation that can cause you a great deal of discomfort. Cold helps minimize the pain signals sent to the brain. Never apply ice directly to the skin as this can cause damage. Leave the ice pack in place for 20mins, then take it off for 30mins, repeating as necessary. 

3.Soak in hot water:

If your back has been bothering you for more than a day ice will no longer provide the relief you need. At this point, switch exclusively to heated compresses to encourage the elasticity of the muscles. Soaking in a hot bath for 20 minutes can help with this process. Avoid sitting in the bath for too long as this can raise the body temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit which can be dangerous, particularly if you are pregnant.

4.Get enough sleep:

Getting enough rest each night is essential to keeping your muscles relaxed. If your muscles are tense, this can put pressure on the back. Lie on your side with the knees flexed, placing a pillow between the legs. If you choose to lie on your back, place a pillow under the knees to provide extra support.

5.Apply cushions:

 A lot of chairs do not have the support you need to take care of your lower back. If your car seat or other places where you sit for long periods of time do not have a cushion, you can purchase one that will make up for what that chair is lacking. Try to sit at a 110 degree angle to support the back. Avoid sitting for long periods of time without getting up to take a break.

6.Make adjustments when sitting long:

If you will be sitting for long periods of time in a chair that is not ideal for your back, try rolling up a sweater or towel to about the size of the forearm. Slide this roll between the lower back and the seat to add additional support. If necessary you can place your arm behind your back to help relieve stress on the back. If this is not possible, adjust your position every few minutes to provide relief.

7. Hold things close to the body: 

When you are carrying something heavy, pull the elbows close to the body. If you can, rest the object on your head while carrying it. This will keep your spine erect while you move, putting less strain on the back.

8.Use certain foods and fluids - There are several food and fluids recommended to deal with back pain.

Chamomile tea - Chamomile tea is known to help relieve tense muscles. Steep a tablespoon of chamomile flowers in boiling water and drink up to three times a day.

Rice - Cook a cup of rice in a sock for 30-60 seconds in the microwave, then apply the compress to your back.

Milk - Women in particular need to be conscious about getting more milk in their diet. This will help prevent osteoporosis from causing damage to the bones which can lead to back pain and other side effects.

9.Apply herbal remedies Following lists several herbs which can be applied to relieve or cure complications of back pain.

Hot peppers - Hot peppers like cayenne rubbed on the skin can alleviate pain. The capsaicin on these peppers has commonly been used for this purpose.

Epsom salts - Place 2 cups Epsom salts in a bathtub of warm water and soak in the liquid for 30 minutes to take down swelling.

Ginger - Ginger has anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce pain. Boil 1-2 inch pieces of ginger in a quart of boiling water, sweeten as desired and drink.

White willow bark - This herb has very similar properties to those found in aspirin which can help you manage your back pain.

Others - Other herbs such as eucalyptus, peppermint, licorice or Echinacea can be consumed in tea, as a capsule or applied to the skin to help relieve back pain.

10.Engage your brain :

You can use brain coping techniques to give yourself more control over your pain. This has helped patients learn to manage their chronic discomfort more effectively.

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