Over-Thinking. You don’t need to have all the
answers to all of life’s riddles. Life is an unfolding, a discovering, a
journey, an adventure. Sometimes over-thinking it all can get you in trouble.
You miss out on the journey you’re actually on when you’re stuck only in your
head. Take it all in with grace and grace will lead you in the right direction.
What Is. Stop Pushing. Sometimes you
have to accept things as they are. Things you can’t change. Things you can’t
help but feeling. Give yourself a break. Stop trying to wade upstream at high
tide. Wait it out. Take a breather and go where the current takes you. You
can’t control everything so sometimes you have to trust that the current of
life will take you where you need to be.
Still. We live in such a rushed, over-stimulated,
over-gadget-ized society. Find somewhere beautiful – a park, the woods, your
kitchen – and just sit there, still. Absorb the sound of the wind through the
trees, the light and the shadows, the peace, and just appreciate the stillness.
It’s meditativeand calming. Make time for stillness regularly.
Comparing Yourself to Others. Comparing
yourself to others with envy robs you of appreciation for the sacred place your
life is in at any given moment. Everyone has had their own long journey and you
don’t know what that journey has been like for them. Where they’ve struggled,
what mistakes they’ve made. Use any jealousy you feel as your guide, it’s just
showing you what you want in life. Let it lead you to take actions that advance
your goals.
Joyful Rituals. My friend Hannah Marcotti often talks about creating rituals of joy
like spreading the bed and drinking lemon water every morning. I must say I
agree. As I mentioned in my recent love post, my husband and I have a hugging ritual. It’s the
best part of my day. Create simple easy to do rituals that ground your day and
you’ll find your way “home” no matter what life throws at you.
Actions that Scare You. Such a tough one. It’s so easy to find a hundred
excuses for why you’re not ready to do something you’ve dreamed of. To reach
out to someone who could change your life. To apply for that job you’ve always
wanted. Remind yourself of how short life is. In the end, any
discomfort or rejection won’t really matter. The only way to achieve things you
want is to take bold actions. If something scares you deeply, it means you want
it deeply, so go for it.
Your Friends. Surround yourself with true friends.
Friends who’ve seen you at your worst, and love you even more for it. Friends
you can be sick and miserable around and yet all they seem to do is make you
laugh. Those friends are priceless.
Your Strengths. Our weaknesses are always shouting
out for our attention. Needy buggers. Try to instead focus on your strengths.
You have so many. Focus on them and use them daily. List them out so you never
forget what they are. Build your life around them.
as Many Greens as Possible. Greens,
greens and more greens. Fruit too. The more you eat them, the more your
tastebuds change and you realize just how delicious food from the earth truly
is. The lighter you feel, the better your skin looks, the more energy you have.
I started slacking on my greens and morning juices recently. I was feeling crappy so I started eating
crappy, really crappy. Which made me feel crappier. Terrible. I hereby commit
to going back to green. If you want to learn more about juicing, my friend Tina
Pruitt has some amazing products that can guide you. If you’d like to give
your health a kick-start for the spring, my friend Lisa’s highly sought after Spring Renewal 10 Day Detox program is
starting on April 16th (more details on that next week).
Animal Products. I no longer “tell” people to govegan/vegetarian,
it’s not my place to tell anyone how to eat and people resist when they’re
being told what to do which serves no one. But I constantly try to learn and
educate. As you may know, our food production system is a disgrace; to animals,
to our health, to the environment. We fill our bodies with an abundance of
hormones, chemicals and pesticides and support awful places like factory farms with
our everyday food choices. Whether you’re an animal person or not, eating more
from the earth and less from the factories lightens both your plate, your
arteries, and your spirit. If you haven’t watchedForks Over Knives
I highly recommend it.
1 Exercise
Regularly. Regular exercise can transform your
life. I haven’t been able to exercise much over the last few weeks since I’ve
been sick and it’s been torture. I see the difference in how I think, how much
I get done, and how much energy I have. As Richard Branson says, one hour of
exercise equals four extra hours of productivity. Make time for exercise, it
will give time back to you.
Let People Walk All Over You. Being
nice and being a doormat are two very different things. I admit I fall into the
doormat category more than I should, especially when I’m not feeling my
strongest. I was a doormat this weekend to a very rude guest at a friend’s
party. I let him stomp all over me with his arrogant word vomit. I regretted
not gathering the strength to either speak my mind or properly excuse
myself. Being a doormat robs you of your voice and leaves you resentful.
Be strong in who you are, don’t let people walk all over you.
Yourself. Forgive Others. Forgiveness
is one of our most powerful allies. Forgive the people in your life who
harmed you and forgive yourself for your own mistakes and you will liberate yourself
from pain, anger, resentment and negativity. Anger, grudges and resentment hurt
no one more than the person holding them.
Away from Negative People. What
more needs to be said, people can be mean and nasty, don’t hang out with those
people. You can choose who you keep in your life, choose wisely.
Be a Negative Person. I had a friend once
who loved to talk badly about everyone around her. And I’d find myself joining
in because it’s what she wanted to talk about. Afterwards I always felt so
crummy. Don’t get drawn into negativity. It brings down your vibration. People
who have nothing but negative things to say about everyone are unhappy with
themselves. Always remember who you are and who you want to be. Be nice to
people, to everyone. Support people and their dreams. Love as you’d want to be
loved. We can all be nicer and do better. What matters is that we try.
Live on Facebook. Facebook is great and it’s fun to be social. And if
you have an online business, it’s priceless. But reading through facebook
statuses too often can lead to “facebook depression.” Facebook is like an
advertising campaign for everyone’s life. It’s all shiny and sparkly and
well-crafted to present the best. That’s all good but too much of it and you
need to be reminded of Tip #4 above.
Yourself to Feel Whatever You’re Feeling. Sometimes
you’ll get down, really down. Sometimes you’ll get hurt. And you won’t want to
leave the couch. It’s okay. Let yourself sulk, get it all out of your system.
Don’t fight it. As my friend Sally Hopealways says, what you resist, persists. So don’t resist. The sooner you get it all out
the sooner you can move on.
Deep. Deep luscious breaths from way down
in your diaphragm. Tips on that in this post.
Your Imperfections. You’ve likely read
this from me before. Your imperfections are you perfection. Embrace them. Let them reveal your individuality. Laugh at them
if you need to. Perfect is boring. Imperfections make things interesting. And
behind every imperfection is a strength.
2. Marry/Date/Co-Habitat (whatever your
preference) with a Really Nice Person. Who
needs a bad-ass (in the arrogant, self-centered, high school maturity level
sense of the term), being nice is way sexier, more secure, more comforting,
more loving, more stable, and all around more awesome. Marrying a nice person is
likely the best decision I’ve ever made. He’s badass in the confident, loyal,
loving, strong, stable, handsome sense of the term. Way better!
Non-Fiction to Expand Your Mind. Read Fiction to Expand Your Imagination. For the past couple of years, since leaving my life
as an attorney and embarking on what I view as my spiritual path (or whatever
I’ve only been reading non-fiction. It’s been great, enlightening, motivating
and empowering. But since I’ve been feeling kinda crummy lately I’ve been
treating myself to the Hunger Games series. What a treat it is. It’s inspiring
for my imagination, a great distraction and such a good way to end the day
(although now I dream about people trying to kill each other!).
2. Watch Less TV. Such
a hard habit to break. Getting sick definitely triggered my bad habits,
including this one. Too much TV robs you of time and social interaction. Goals
fly out the window. Motivation gets lost. So does conversation. TV’s addictive
and it lures you in, try to keep it in moderation.
2. Unplug. Create
sacred spaces in your days or weeks where you unplug from everything. No
emails, internet, blackberry, nothing. We are turning into an ADD society,
jumping from one distraction to another. Seize back control. Unplug regularly
or you’ll burn out your emotional programming. One of the best ways to be
forced to unplug:travel.
2. Be of Service. Try to always find ways to be of service. To
people, to animals, to the environment, whatever floats your boat. Life gives
to the giver and takes from the taker. Find ways to give and keep giving. Ways
that inspire you, that speak to you, that fill your heart. No matter where you
are in life, there is always someone or something who could benefit from what
you have to offer.
be You. You are Perfect. You are Enough. You are Invaluable.